Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting 2019(@Baltimore)に参加してきました!
l Tanaka
K. Difference in lung pyruvic acid metabolism between neonatal and adult mice
exposed to hyperoxia: a metabolomics approach.
l Morita
M. Perinatal factors associated with bubbly/cystic appearance in
bronchopulmonary dysplasia: A nationwide, population-based cohort study in
l Tanaka
K. Docosahexaenoic acid and bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants: a
systematic review and meta-analysis.
l Ozawa
J. Is being large for gestational age a risk factor for neonatal mortality and
morbidity in extremely preterm infants?: A nationwide, population-based cohort
study in Japan.
l Oka S.
Feasibility of Factory-Calibrated Continuous Glucose Sensors in Term and
Near-Term Infants at Risk of Hypoglycemia.
l Kato S.
Vitamin A supplementation to prevent chronic lung disease in extremely low
birth weight infants.
l Nakagawa
R. Clinical features of Cytomegalovirus-related sepsis-like syndrome in very
low birth weight infants: data from a nationwide surveillance in Japan.